Friday, August 24, 2007

Waiting --by RDLarson


With my heart swelling, I spoke to Sinclair. "She's here."

"Our baby?" His voice quivered.

"They want us to come in."

"After fifteen years," he gasped.

"Tomorrow." I could not say any more.

The next morning, we drove to into the city early.

"It seems unbelievable," I told Sinclair.

"I know."

We went into the building. The facilitator came out and took us to a waiting room.

The nurse to put the baby in my arms as we sat on the couch. Sinclair leaned close to look at the little face. Unfocused eyes stared at me; then at him.

"Is she really ours?"

"Yes. Have you picked a name?"

"Aria Rose." I pulled away the blanket to see the tiny toes.

I shrunk back, startled at the site of the long pink tail.

Sinclair swore under his breath, then said, "Clone or alien?"

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