Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dogs are family too; Oprah says so!

Who can argue with an icon like her? All you people who chide me for loving my dogs TOO MUCH should think again. My dogs never ask for money, my dogs always remember me, not just when I can do something for them, and, wonder of wonders, they don't try to foist their opinions off on me. They don't worry about world events because they know they can't do anything about it; they just worry about me. They like my food but don't care if I don't like theirs. Best of all, when I am less than poised they don't care; they love me and think I'm a good person/place/thing -- no matter what!

Not even near to the election and I am sick of "the election of 2009." It's all about power.

Things I can't stand:

People who use the word "issues" for problems.

People who don't make conscious, thinking decision about their life. What are they waiting for? Nobody is going to give it to you, make it for you or eat it for you. YOU are responsible for your own life.

People who suck the life out of people with good will because they can. You know the ones -- will you? can you? I've got a problem so can you? It makes me sick. I don't listen and I don't help.

I am fond of: lost souls of any faith, witches who are genuinely good, elves that can fly, mocha almond fudge ice cream and wallpaper that looks like something it isn't -- like sky and clouds.

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