Sunday, September 16, 2007

GM or Franken?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

I've been thinking about the environment. I wish people had gone green twenty-five years ago. Not many people thought about baby disposable diapers as crap that fills up our landfills. No one ever thought about how many things are from petro chemicals. Do you know how much it take to make corn methane?

I think maybe some of us are getting a clue. Do you run the water while you brush your teeth? Bad! How about long showers? Bad! How about throwing old pills in the toilet and flushing them into our waterways? Bad! Okay, have you been wearing second hand clothes? Good! Is your food healthy, grown close to where you live and not GM?

It's depressing but at least we can make and effort and do something about it! Don't just sit there! So do something!

The dogs are funny. She still chases deer but only to the edge of the woods. He sleeps sometimes with his paws touching her.

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